Get Unspent UTXOs by Address
This endpoint retrieves a combined, ordered list of both confirmed and unconfirmed UTXOs for a given address. Returns up to 100k unconfirmed results in one request. Confirmed results are paginated if more than 1000 are available. The rest can be accessed using the provided next-page token.
Copy GET<network>/address/<address>/unspent/all
Copy curl --location --request GET ""
Copy {
"address" : "1L2F8wYxTRagCZLnsm2engg8ngGECSeuE5" ,
"script" : "b3005d46af31c4b5675b73c17579b7bd366dfe10635b7b43ac111aea5226efb6" ,
"result" : [
"tx_pos" : 1 ,
"tx_hash" : "9c3801270d353066ed0553efb243bccc296d16e8ba589797934717c3f1ac030d" ,
"value" : 98 ,
"isSpentInMempoolTx" : false ,
"hex" : "76a914d0a69b53d9a1e229b51a60cc24814f8750b7446188ac" ,
"status" : "unconfirmed"
} ,
"height" : 861936 ,
"tx_pos" : 0 ,
"tx_hash" : "46b080bf212f3b355cffe7956db3adb53840ac550e51110577317df030039d7f" ,
"value" : 100 ,
"isSpentInMempoolTx" : true ,
"status" : "confirmed"
] ,
"error" : ""
URL Parameters
The selected network: main or test.
Get Unconfirmed UTXOs by Address
This endpoint retrieves an ordered list of unconfirmed UTXOs for a given address. Returns up to 100k results in one request.
Copy GET<network>/address/<address>/unconfirmed/unspent
Copy curl --location --request GET ""
Copy {
"result" : [
"tx_pos" : 1 ,
"tx_hash" : "93d8ae93a9e074c555d80e86c130b6cd4d5c7efa2795f91b2aea285c546512c6" ,
"value" : 181724 ,
"hex" : "76a9148a32b77e8f9bce47179fe03b6894e3d37003099888ac"
URL Parameters
The selected network: main or test.
Bulk Unconfirmed UTXOs by Address
This endpoint retrieves an ordered list of unconfirmed UTXOs for a given set of addresses - max 20 addresses per request. Returns up to 100 items in one request.
Copy GET<network>/addresses/unconfirmed/unspent
Copy curl --location --request POST "" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data "{\"addresses\" : [\"16ZBEb7pp6mx5EAGrdeKivztd5eRJFuvYP\",\"1KGHhLTQaPr4LErrvbAuGE62yPpDoRwrob\" ] }"
Request body JSON structure
Copy {
"addresses" :
"16ZBEb7pp6mx5EAGrdeKivztd5eRJFuvYP" ,
Copy [
"address" : "16ZBEb7pp6mx5EAGrdeKivztd5eRJFuvYP" ,
"unspent" : [
"height" : 657540 ,
"tx_pos" : 1 ,
"tx_hash" : "d75485c2329a533fd06b5f55a3f21644741c0258f2974d5d989e946a0bb4357f" ,
"value" : 25000000
} ,
"height" : 657542 ,
"tx_pos" : 1 ,
"tx_hash" : "55a656d50327ec3237fa6e821ab62294695cfd508d631dc9b04dc3a395cf0a37" ,
"value" : 25000000
] ,
"error" : ""
} ,
"address" : "1KGHhLTQaPr4LErrvbAuGE62yPpDoRwrob" ,
"unspent" : [
"height" : 658133 ,
"tx_pos" : 1 ,
"tx_hash" : "7ae43aac97396bc99616d8273c6cd9b57f017d6d49aca742fbc8c214fee49fa7" ,
"value" : 25000000
} ,
"height" : 658134 ,
"tx_pos" : 1 ,
"tx_hash" : "5b25a56bbb959f9cf4b3e48dbbe412bf5cc85e655d27f87c3bfb07aa6aa01518" ,
"value" : 25000000
] ,
"error" : ""
URL Parameters
The selected network: main or test.
Get Confirmed UTXOs by Address
This endpoint retrieves an ordered list of confirmed UTXOs for a given address. Pagination is available using the provided next-page token.
The "isSpentInMempoolTx
" flag enables filtering of spent unconfirmed transactions from this set.
Copy GET<network>/address/<address>/confirmed/unspent
Copy curl --location --request GET ""
Copy {
"result" : [
"height" : 797518 ,
"tx_pos" : 0 ,
"tx_hash" : "6cc9631ef3dad77eb0141134167f20469d0b4e61405de57fe6a9ac71b943bb9f" ,
"value" : 181827 ,
"isSpentInMempoolTx" : false
URL Parameters
The selected network: main or test.
Between 1 and 10000; default is 10000.
Provided next page token.
Bulk Confirmed UTXOs by Address
This endpoint retrieves an ordered list of confirmed UTXOs for a given set of addresses - max 20 addresses per request. Returns up to 20 items in one request.
Copy GET<network>/addresses/confirmed/unspent
Copy curl --location --request POST "
confirmed/unspent" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data "{\"addresses\" : [\"16ZBEb7pp6mx5EAGrdeKivztd5eRJFuvYP\",\"1KGHhLTQaPr4LErrvbAuGE62yPpDoRwrob\" ] }"
Request body JSON structure
Copy {
"addresses" :
"16ZBEb7pp6mx5EAGrdeKivztd5eRJFuvYP" ,
Copy [
"address" : "16ZBEb7pp6mx5EAGrdeKivztd5eRJFuvYP" ,
"unspent" : [
"height" : 657540 ,
"tx_pos" : 1 ,
"tx_hash" : "d75485c2329a533fd06b5f55a3f21644741c0258f2974d5d989e946a0bb4357f" ,
"value" : 25000000
} ,
"height" : 657542 ,
"tx_pos" : 1 ,
"tx_hash" : "55a656d50327ec3237fa6e821ab62294695cfd508d631dc9b04dc3a395cf0a37" ,
"value" : 25000000
] ,
"error" : ""
} ,
"address" : "1KGHhLTQaPr4LErrvbAuGE62yPpDoRwrob" ,
"unspent" : [
"height" : 658133 ,
"tx_pos" : 1 ,
"tx_hash" : "7ae43aac97396bc99616d8273c6cd9b57f017d6d49aca742fbc8c214fee49fa7" ,
"value" : 25000000
} ,
"height" : 658134 ,
"tx_pos" : 1 ,
"tx_hash" : "5b25a56bbb959f9cf4b3e48dbbe412bf5cc85e655d27f87c3bfb07aa6aa01518" ,
"value" : 25000000
] ,
"error" : ""
URL Parameters
The selected network: main or test.
(Deprecated) Get UTXOs by Address
This endpoint is powered by ElectrumX and is planned for deprecation in the near future.
This endpoint retrieves an ordered list of UTXOs for a given address.
Copy GET<network>/address/<address>/unspent
Copy curl --location --request GET ""
Returns a response as long as the response message is less than 1MB in size.
Copy [
"height" : 578325 ,
"tx_pos" : 0 ,
"tx_hash" : "62824e3af3d01113e9bce8b73576b833990d231357bd718385958c21d50bbddd" ,
"value" : 1250020815
} ,
"height" : 578326 ,
"tx_pos" : 0 ,
"tx_hash" : "4b008a10eebcf70f384442e4e3147bc76c6e4f764b516b208e148d700b965deb" ,
"value" : 1251827826
} ,
URL Parameters
The selected network: main or test.
(Deprecated) Bulk UTXOs by Address
This endpoint is powered by ElectrumX and is planned for deprecation in the near future.
This endpoint retrieves a list of UTXOs for multiple addresses in a single request.
Max 20 addresses per request.
Copy POST<network>/addresses/unspent
Copy curl --location --request POST "" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data "{\"addresses\" : [\"16ZBEb7pp6mx5EAGrdeKivztd5eRJFuvYP\",\"1KGHhLTQaPr4LErrvbAuGE62yPpDoRwrob\" ] }"
The JSON structure for the above post request:
Copy {
"addresses" :
"16ZBEb7pp6mx5EAGrdeKivztd5eRJFuvYP" ,
Copy [
"address" : "16ZBEb7pp6mx5EAGrdeKivztd5eRJFuvYP" ,
"unspent" : [
"height" : 657540 ,
"tx_pos" : 1 ,
"tx_hash" : "d75485c2329a533fd06b5f55a3f21644741c0258f2974d5d989e946a0bb4357f" ,
"value" : 25000000
} ,
"height" : 657542 ,
"tx_pos" : 1 ,
"tx_hash" : "55a656d50327ec3237fa6e821ab62294695cfd508d631dc9b04dc3a395cf0a37" ,
"value" : 25000000
] ,
"error" : ""
} ,
"address" : "1KGHhLTQaPr4LErrvbAuGE62yPpDoRwrob" ,
"unspent" : [
"height" : 658133 ,
"tx_pos" : 1 ,
"tx_hash" : "7ae43aac97396bc99616d8273c6cd9b57f017d6d49aca742fbc8c214fee49fa7" ,
"value" : 25000000
} ,
"height" : 658134 ,
"tx_pos" : 1 ,
"tx_hash" : "5b25a56bbb959f9cf4b3e48dbbe412bf5cc85e655d27f87c3bfb07aa6aa01518" ,
"value" : 25000000
] ,
"error" : ""
URL Parameters
The selected network: main or test.
Get Unspent UTXOs by Script
This endpoint retrieves a combined, ordered list of both confirmed and unconfirmed UTXOs for a given script. Returns up to 100k unconfirmed results in one request. Confirmed results are paginated if more than 1000 are available. The rest can be accessed using the provided next-page token.
Copy GET<network>/script/<scriptHash>/unspent/all
Copy curl --location --request GET ""
Copy {
"script" : "b3005d46af31c4b5675b73c17579b7bd366dfe10635b7b43ac111aea5226efb6" ,
"result" : [
"tx_pos" : 1 ,
"tx_hash" : "9c3801270d353066ed0553efb243bccc296d16e8ba589797934717c3f1ac030d" ,
"value" : 98 ,
"isSpentInMempoolTx" : false ,
"hex" : "76a914d0a69b53d9a1e229b51a60cc24814f8750b7446188ac" ,
"status" : "unconfirmed"
} ,
"height" : 861936 ,
"tx_pos" : 0 ,
"tx_hash" : "46b080bf212f3b355cffe7956db3adb53840ac550e51110577317df030039d7f" ,
"value" : 100 ,
"isSpentInMempoolTx" : true ,
"status" : "confirmed"
] ,
"error" : ""
URL Parameters
The selected network: main or test.
The script hash: Sha256 hash of the binary bytes of the locking script (ScriptPubKey ), expressed as a hexadecimal string.
Get Unconfirmed UTXOs by Script
This endpoint retrieves the ordered list of unconfirmed UTXOs for a given script. Returns up to 100k results in one request.
Copy GET<network>/script/<scriptHash>/unconfirmed/unspent
Copy curl --location --request GET ""
Copy {
"result" : [
"tx_pos" : 1 ,
"tx_hash" : "93d8ae93a9e074c555d80e86c130b6cd4d5c7efa2795f91b2aea285c546512c6" ,
"value" : 181724 ,
"hex" : "76a9148a32b77e8f9bce47179fe03b6894e3d37003099888ac"
URL Parameters
The selected network: main or test.
The script hash: Sha256 hash of the binary bytes of the locking script (ScriptPubKey ), expressed as a hexadecimal string.
Bulk Unconfirmed UTXOs by Script
This endpoint retrieves an ordered list of unconfirmed UTXOs for a given set of scripthashes - max 20 scripthashes per request. Returns up to 20 items in one request.
Copy GET<network>/scripts/unconfirmed/unspent
Copy curl --location --request POST "" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data "{\"scripts\" : [\"f814a7c3a40164aacc440871e8b7b14eb6a45f0ca7dcbeaea709edc83274c5e7\",\"995ea8d0f752f41cdd99bb9d54cb004709e04c7dc4088bcbbbb9ea5c390a43c3\" ] }"
Request body JSON structure
Copy {
"scripts" : [
"f814a7c3a40164aacc440871e8b7b14eb6a45f0ca7dcbeaea709edc83274c5e7" ,
Copy [
"script" : "f814a7c3a40164aacc440871e8b7b14eb6a45f0ca7dcbeaea709edc83274c5e7" ,
"unspent" : [
"height" : 620539 ,
"tx_pos" : 0 ,
"tx_hash" : "4ec3b63d764558303eda720e8e51f69bbcfe81376075657313fb587306f8a9b0" ,
"value" : 450000
] ,
"error" : ""
} ,
"script" : "995ea8d0f752f41cdd99bb9d54cb004709e04c7dc4088bcbbbb9ea5c390a43c3" ,
"unspent" : [] ,
"error" : ""
URL Parameters
The selected network: main or test.
Get Confirmed UTXOs by Script
This endpoint retrieves the ordered list of confirmed UTXOs for a given script. Pagination is available using the provided next-page token.
The "isSpentInMempoolTx
" flag enables filtering of spent unconfirmed transactions from this set.
Copy GET<network>/script/<scriptHash>/confirmed/unspent
Copy curl --location --request GET ""
Copy {
"result" : [
"height" : 797518 ,
"tx_pos" : 0 ,
"tx_hash" : "6cc9631ef3dad77eb0141134167f20469d0b4e61405de57fe6a9ac71b943bb9f" ,
"value" : 181827 ,
"isSpentInMempoolTx" : false
URL Parameters
The selected network: main or test.
The script hash: Sha256 hash of the binary bytes of the locking script (ScriptPubKey ), expressed as a hexadecimal string.
Between 1 and 10000; default is 10000.
Provided next page token.
Bulk Confirmed UTXOs by Script
This endpoint retrieves an ordered list of confirmed UTXOs for a given set of scripthashes - max 20 scripthashes per request. Returns up to 20 items in one request.
Copy GET<network>/scripts/confirmed/unspent
Copy curl --location --request POST "" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data "{\"scripts\" : [\"f814a7c3a40164aacc440871e8b7b14eb6a45f0ca7dcbeaea709edc83274c5e7\",\"995ea8d0f752f41cdd99bb9d54cb004709e04c7dc4088bcbbbb9ea5c390a43c3\" ] }"
Request body JSON structure
Copy {
"scripts" : [
"f814a7c3a40164aacc440871e8b7b14eb6a45f0ca7dcbeaea709edc83274c5e7" ,
Copy [
"script" : "f814a7c3a40164aacc440871e8b7b14eb6a45f0ca7dcbeaea709edc83274c5e7" ,
"unspent" : [
"height" : 620539 ,
"tx_pos" : 0 ,
"tx_hash" : "4ec3b63d764558303eda720e8e51f69bbcfe81376075657313fb587306f8a9b0" ,
"value" : 450000
] ,
"error" : ""
} ,
"script" : "995ea8d0f752f41cdd99bb9d54cb004709e04c7dc4088bcbbbb9ea5c390a43c3" ,
"unspent" : [] ,
"error" : ""
URL Parameters
The selected network: main or test.
(Deprecated) Get UTXOs by Script
This endpoint is powered by ElectrumX and is planned for deprecation in the near future.
This endpoint retrieves the ordered list of UTXOs for a given script.
Copy GET<network>/script/<scriptHash>/unspent
Copy curl --location --request GET ""
Returns a response as long as the response message is less than 1MB in size.
Copy [
"height" : 578325 ,
"tx_pos" : 0 ,
"tx_hash" : "62824e3af3d01113e9bce8b73576b833990d231357bd718385958c21d50bbddd" ,
"value" : 1250020815
} ,
"height" : 578326 ,
"tx_pos" : 0 ,
"tx_hash" : "4b008a10eebcf70f384442e4e3147bc76c6e4f764b516b208e148d700b965deb" ,
"value" : 1251827826
} ,
URL Parameters
The selected network: main or test.
The script hash: Sha256 hash of the binary bytes of the locking script (ScriptPubKey ), expressed as a hexadecimal string.
(Deprecated) Bulk UTXOs by Script
This endpoint is powered by ElectrumX and is planned for deprecation in the near future.
This endpoint retrieves a list of UTXOs for multiple scripts in a single request.
Max 20 scripts per request.
Copy POST<network>/scripts/unspent
Copy curl --location --request POST "" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data "{\"scripts\" : [\"f814a7c3a40164aacc440871e8b7b14eb6a45f0ca7dcbeaea709edc83274c5e7\",\"995ea8d0f752f41cdd99bb9d54cb004709e04c7dc4088bcbbbb9ea5c390a43c3\" ] }"
The JSON structure for the above post request:
Copy {
"scripts" : [
"f814a7c3a40164aacc440871e8b7b14eb6a45f0ca7dcbeaea709edc83274c5e7" ,
Copy [
"script" : "f814a7c3a40164aacc440871e8b7b14eb6a45f0ca7dcbeaea709edc83274c5e7" ,
"unspent" : [
"height" : 620539 ,
"tx_pos" : 0 ,
"tx_hash" : "4ec3b63d764558303eda720e8e51f69bbcfe81376075657313fb587306f8a9b0" ,
"value" : 450000
] ,
"error" : ""
} ,
"script" : "995ea8d0f752f41cdd99bb9d54cb004709e04c7dc4088bcbbbb9ea5c390a43c3" ,
"unspent" : [] ,
"error" : ""
URL Parameters
The selected network: main or test.
Get Unconfirmed Spent Tx Output
This endpoint retrieves where the specified unconfirmed transaction output was spent.
Copy GET<network>/tx/<txid>/<voutIndex>/unconfirmed/spent
Copy curl --location --request GET ""
Copy {
"txid" : "b905857a36586e68b8186be1e7b1ac56de196f5257536f019d7071cbdb0608a7" ,
"vin" : 0
URL Parameters
The selected network: main or test.
The specific output index.
Get Confirmed Spent Tx Output
This endpoint retrieves where the specified confirmed transaction output was spent.
Copy GET<network>/tx/<txid>/<voutIndex>/confirmed/spent
Copy curl --location --request GET ""
Copy {
"txid" : "87645a7c4a9a5a9b9cd1468db19cdba44129c35cc487fc57c4d8843141ad2551" ,
"vin" : 2
URL Parameters
The selected network: main or test.
The specific output index.
Get Spent Transaction Output
This endpoint retrieves where the specified transaction output was spent, checking both confirmed and unconfirmed in a single call.
Copy GET<network>/tx/<txid>/<voutIndex>/spent
Copy curl --location --request GET ""
Copy {
"txid" : "87645a7c4a9a5a9b9cd1468db19cdba44129c35cc487fc57c4d8843141ad2551" ,
"vin" : 2
URL Parameters
The selected network: main or test.
The specific output index.
If UTXO is known but spent details are not found, i.e., it's still unspent.
Bulk Spent Transaction Outputs
This endpoint retrieves where the specified transaction outputs were spent, checking both confirmed and unconfirmed in a single call.
Max 20 transaction outputs per request.
Copy POST<network>/utxos/spent
Copy curl --location --request POST "" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data "{\"utxos\" :[{ \"txid\" :\"87645a7c4a9a5a9b9cd1468db19cdba44129c35cc487fc57c4d8843141ad2551\", \"vout\" : 2}, {\"txid\" :\"e05de19075bc8205d702036a53d3e21ff6a2964f1e9941b913921e1e83d82c91\", \"vout\" : 0}]}"
Request body JSON structure
Copy {
"utxos" :
"txid" : "87645a7c4a9a5a9b9cd1468db19cdba44129c35cc487fc57c4d8843141ad2551" ,
"vout" : 2
} ,
"txid" : "e05de19075bc8205d702036a53d3e21ff6a2964f1e9941b913921e1e83d82c91" ,
"vout" : 0
Copy [
"utxo" : {
"txid" : "87645a7c4a9a5a9b9cd1468db19cdba44129c35cc487fc57c4d8843141ad2551" ,
"vout" : 2
} ,
"spentIn" : {
"txid" : "88d8ce011179fac0dc466a1c5fcb734a91b076d15354aee4f7186ea3f5921533" ,
"vin" : 93 ,
"status" : "confirmed"
} ,
"error" : ""
} ,
"utxo" : {
"txid" : "e05de19075bc8205d702036a53d3e21ff6a2964f1e9941b913921e1e83d82c91" ,
"vout" : 0
} ,
"spentIn" : {
"txid" : "81f4ffcdc8ac15a9f360196f95f8e4e32c2e2c4fb78fdca64e52856820d3ed3d" ,
"vin" : 0 ,
"status" : "unconfirmed"
} ,
"error" : ""
URL Parameters
The selected network: main or test.
If UTXO is known but spent details are not found, i.e., it's still unspent.