This API will allow you to create 1SatOrdinals Single and Collection Tokens.
Create a Token Studio Project for your Standalone - Collection
curl --location '' \
--header 'Apikey: ## VALID_API_KEY ##' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"name": "1satcol project 1718100516565",
"isFungible": false,
"type": "single", //"collection"
"tokenProtocol": "OneSatOrdinal"
"success": boolean,
"data": {
"projectUid": <uid>
Get a list of your Token Studio projects
It will return all projects associated with your API Key.
curl --location '' \
--header 'Apikey: ## VALID_API_KEY ##'
"success": boolean,
"data": {
"projectList": [
"uid": <uid>,
"name": string,
"network": string,
"offChainData": {
"isFungible": boolean
"tokenProtocol": string
Get details for a specific project id
Returns a project for a valid project id.
curl --location '<projectId>' \
--header "Apikey: ## VALID_API_KEY ##"
"success": true,
"data": {
"uid": <uid>,
"name": string,
"tokenProtocol": string,
"network": string,
"isFungible": boolean,
"type": string
URL Parameters
Output creation
Creates an output (single, collection, collectinItem) in the project.
Single projects can only contain single/standalone outputs
Collection projects need first a collection output created and then one or several collectionItems linked to the initial collection output
curl --location '' \
--header "Apikey: ## VALID_API_KEY ##" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"projectUid": "<projectId>",
"metadata": {
"name": "My single token 1718101145907",
"subType": "single",
"subTypeData": "{\"description\": \"this is description\" }",
"type": "ord",
"description": "this is a standalone token description",
"info": "anything",
"eyes": "green"
"success": true,
"data": {
"uid": <uid>,
"type": string,
"tokenProtocol": string
Body Parameters
'single' for standalone tokens in single projects
'collection' for the seed token in collection projects
'collectionItem' for each element linked to the collection
contentType depending on the desired output type (text, html or image)
Raw content formatted in b64
"name": NFT name
"type": "ord"
"subType": "single" //"collection" or "collectionItem",
"subTypeData": stringified JSON,
"description": string,
Other e.g. traits:
"info": "anything",
"eyes": "green"
Output deletion
Deletes an output (single, collection, collectinItem) in the project.
curl --location --request DELETE '{{outputUid}}' \
--header "Apikey: ## VALID_API_KEY ##" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
"success": true,
"data": {
"uid": "<uid>",
"createdAt": "<timestamp>",
"type": "token",
"tokenProtocol": "OneSatOrdinal",
"projectUid": "<uid>",
"transactionUid": null,
"txId": null,
"identityUid": "<uid>",
"address": null,
"metadata": { <metadata>
"offChainData": {
Query Parameters
Output List
Returns all outputs for a valid project id.
curl --location '' \
--header "Apikey: ## VALID_API_KEY ##"
"success": boolean,
"data": {
"outputList": [
"createdAt": <date>,
"uid": <uid>,
"projectUid": <uid>,
"transactionUid": <uid> (null if has not been used in a transaction yet),
"type": string,
"tokenProtocol": string,
"metadata": { //Key / value pairs e.g.
"app": string,
"eyes": string,
"info": string,
"name": string,
"type": string,
"subType": string,
"description": string,
"subTypeData": stringified JSON
"offChainData": {
"b64FileHash": string,
"b64FileSize": int,
"contentType": string
Query Parameters
Optional. If provided, the accepted values are 0/1 (false / true) to filter by outputs already broadcast
Optional. If provided, the accepted values are collection / collectionItem, to filter by a specific type of output
Unsigned Transaction creation
Creates an unsigned transaction ready to sign and then be broadcast.
Unsigned transactions can refer to different outputs as well as different UTXO to be used for funding it
curl --location '' \
--header "Apikey: ## VALID_API_KEY ##" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"projectUid": "<projectUid>",
"publicKey": <Public Key>,
"dstAddress": <Token Recipient Address>,
"outputList": [<outputList>],
"utxoList": [
"outputIndex": num,
"txId": "<txId>"
Response JSON structure
"success": boolean,
"data": {
"transactionUid": <uid>,
"txObj": {<txObj>
Body Parameters
<Token Recipient Address>
Output Index of the tx e.g. 1
Broadcast Transaction
Broadcast a signed transaction and returns its transaction Id
curl --location '' \
--header "Apikey: ## VALID_API_KEY ##" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"transactionUid": "<transactionUid>",
"tx": "<txObjSigned>"
Response JSON structure
success: boolean,
data: {
txId: string
Body Parameters
Transaction Uid returned by the create transaction endpoint
Signed transaction ready to be broadcast
Last updated