Transaction format and fee rate
Fee rate
The current standard fee rate which applies to all transactions submitted to any of the TAAL transaction processing APIs is: 1 sat/kb
The minimum fee for any transaction is 1 sat.
The fee required is rounded depending on size of the transaction. The following list exemplifies the logic:
Transactions with 1.4999... kb > size > 0.0 kb => min absolute fee required = 1 sat.
Transactions with 2.4999... kb > size > 1.5 kb => min absolute fee required = 2 sat
Transactions with 3.4999... kb > size > 2.5 kb => min absolute fee required = 3 sat
Transaction format
The format of transaction is bound to the standard of BSV transactions as described here.
There is a number of libraries which allow to build BSV transactions. Here is a short list:
Javascript example using version 1 of bsv.js and request modules
Create a new Node.js project:
Save the following code to a main.js in your example folder:
Execute the code and follow the onscreen instructions:
Last updated
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