Transaction format and fee rate

Fee rate

The current standard fee rate which applies to all transactions submitted to any of the TAAL transaction processing APIs is: 1 sat/kb

The minimum fee for any transaction is 1 sat.

The fee required is rounded depending on size of the transaction. The following list exemplifies the logic:

  • Transactions with 1.4999... kb > size > 0.0 kb => min absolute fee required = 1 sat.

  • Transactions with 2.4999... kb > size > 1.5 kb => min absolute fee required = 2 sat

  • Transactions with 3.4999... kb > size > 2.5 kb => min absolute fee required = 3 sat

  • ...

Transaction format

The format of transaction is bound to the standard of BSV transactions as described here.

There is a number of libraries which allow to build BSV transactions. Here is a short list:

Javascript example using version 1 of bsv.js and request modules

  1. Create a new Node.js project:

    mkdir example
    cd example
    npm init -y
    npm install bsv@1
    npm install request
  2. Save the following code to a main.js in your example folder:

    const fs = require('fs')
    const bsv = require('bsv')
    // Random key produced each time...
    const newKey = bsv.PrivateKey()
    console.log(`Private key:     ${newKey.toString()}`)
    console.log(`Mainnet address: ${newKey.toAddress('mainnet').toString()}`)
    1. Create a funding transaction by sending 1000 satoshis (0.00001 BSV) to ${newKey.toAddress('mainnet').toString()}.
    2. Add your Taal apiKey, and funding transaction txid and vout to 'generated.js'.
    3. Execute the generated code:
      node generated.js
    fs.writeFileSync('generated.js', `
    const bsv = require('bsv')
    var request = require('request')
    const privKey = bsv.PrivateKey('${newKey}')
    const apiKey = ""        // Add Taal mainnet API Key
    const fundingTxid = ""   // Add the funding transaction txid
    const fundingVout = -1   // Replace with funding transaction vout
    const returnAddress = "" // The address to return the 1000 satoshis (less fees)
    if (apiKey === "" || fundingTxid === "" || fundingVout === -1 || returnAddress === "") {
      console.log('This generated file needs an apiKey, a fundingTxid, a fundingVout and a returnAddress')
    const utxo1 = {
      txId: fundingTxid,
      outputIndex: fundingVout,
      address: privKey.toAddress('mainnet').toString(),
      script: bsv.Script.buildPublicKeyHashOut(privKey.publicKey).toHex(),
      satoshis: 1000
    const tx1 = bsv.Transaction()
      .to(privKey.toAddress('mainnet').toString(), 800)
    const utxo2 = {
      txId: tx1.hash,
      outputIndex: 0,
      address: privKey.toAddress('mainnet').toString(),
      script: bsv.Script.buildPublicKeyHashOut(privKey.publicKey).toHex(),
      satoshis: 800
    const tx2 = bsv.Transaction()
    const txBuffer = Buffer.concat([
    // Send the transaction to Taal API...{
      url: '',
      headers: {
        'Authorization': apiKey,
        'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'
      body: txBuffer
    }, function(error, response, body) {
      console.log(error, response.statusCode, body)
  3. Execute the code and follow the onscreen instructions:

    node main.js   

Last updated

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