Get Block Stats by Height
This endpoint retrieves the block stats for a given height.
Exchange rate information is not available for blocks processed before 2018/11/19.
Unidentified block miners are tagged as an empty string.
Copy GET<height>/stats
Copy curl --location --request GET ""
Copy {
"hash": "000000000000000002799ba826646d0060b06779e7bde9622145b410f114c1fb",
"tx_count": 7088,
"height": 698730,
"version": 939515904,
"version_hex": "37ffe000",
"merkle_root": "58f529bbf8319340ee299a7b577177ca877ba3ecc2a4e8ef231ccd6387e9dbe6",
"time": 1627996871,
"median_time": 1627993031,
"nonce": 111084755,
"bits": "181112b7",
"difficulty": 64399232575.38872,
"chainwork": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000012ef34e8452b98b968b3134",
"miner_tag": "qdlnk",
"total_fee": 9868209,
"total_fee_usd": 13.628983449900002,
"total_out": 58639450178,
"avg_fee": 1392,
"avg_fee_usd": 0.0019224912000000002,
"median_fee": 175,
"median_fee_usd": 0.00024169250000000004,
"input_count": 16930,
"output_count": 19002,
"total_out_usd": 80986.9446408358,
"subsidy": 625000000,
"subsidy_usd": 863.1875000000001,
"reward": 634868209,
"reward_usd": 876.8164834499001,
"coinbase": "036aa90a2f71646c6e6b2ff3d24370c50084e8887a0100",
"size": 17444558,
"exchange_rate": {
"rate": 138.11,
"time": 1627948800
"min_tx_size": 190,
"max_tx_size": 1151375,
"median_tx_size": 313,
"avg_tx_size": 2461
URL Parameters
The selected network: main.
The height of the block to retrieve.
Get Block Stats by Hash
This endpoint retrieves the block stats for a given hash.
Exchange rate information is not available for blocks processed before 2018/11/19.
Unidentified block miners are tagged as an empty string.
Copy GET<hash>/stats
Copy curl --location --request GET ""
Copy {
"hash": "000000000000000002799ba826646d0060b06779e7bde9622145b410f114c1fb",
"tx_count": 7088,
"height": 698730,
"version": 939515904,
"version_hex": "37ffe000",
"merkle_root": "58f529bbf8319340ee299a7b577177ca877ba3ecc2a4e8ef231ccd6387e9dbe6",
"time": 1627996871,
"median_time": 1627993031,
"nonce": 111084755,
"bits": "181112b7",
"difficulty": 64399232575.38872,
"chainwork": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000012ef34e8452b98b968b3134",
"miner_tag": "qdlnk",
"total_fee": 9868209,
"total_fee_usd": 13.628983449900002,
"total_out": 58639450178,
"avg_fee": 1392,
"avg_fee_usd": 0.0019224912000000002,
"median_fee": 175,
"median_fee_usd": 0.00024169250000000004,
"input_count": 16930,
"output_count": 19002,
"total_out_usd": 80986.9446408358,
"subsidy": 625000000,
"subsidy_usd": 863.1875000000001,
"reward": 634868209,
"reward_usd": 876.8164834499001,
"coinbase": "036aa90a2f71646c6e6b2ff3d24370c50084e8887a0100",
"size": 17444558,
"exchange_rate": {
"rate": 138.11,
"time": 1627948800
"min_tx_size": 190,
"max_tx_size": 1151375,
"median_tx_size": 313,
"avg_tx_size": 2461
URL Parameters
The selected network: main.
The hash of the block to retrieve.
Get Miner Block Stats
This endpoint retrieves the miner block stats for a specified number of days.
Unidentified block miners are tagged as an empty string.
Copy GET{days}
Copy curl --location --request GET ""
Copy [
"header": {
"size": 297234612,
"height": 757673,
"time": 1663491738
"stats": {
"total_size": 297234612,
"total_fee": 23803452
"details": {
"miner_tag": ""
URL Parameters
The selected network: main.
The number of days to retrieve the data for. Only 1 or 30 days can be selected.
Get Miner Minimum Fee Rate Stats
This endpoint retrieves the miner minimum fee rate stats for a specified time period.
Minimum fee rate is in sat/KB.
Copy GET{from}&to={to}
Copy curl --location --request GET ""
Copy [
"miner": "",
"min_fee_rate": 1
"miner": "CUVVE",
"min_fee_rate": 1.0003060717198577
"miner": " 🦍",
"min_fee_rate": 1.001001001001001
"miner": "qdlnk",
"min_fee_rate": 1.0001427259380782
URL Parameters
The selected network: main.
Starting from as Unix timestamp.
Until to as Unix timestamp.
Get Miner Summary Stats
This endpoint retrieves the miner summary stats for specified days over a 24 hour period.
Unidentified block miners are tagged as an empty string.
Copy GET{days}
Copy curl --location --request GET ""
Copy [
"period": 1658275200,
"stats": {
"": {
"count": 3,
"header": {
"size": 520
"stats": {
"total_size": 520,
"total_fee": 63057
" 🦍": {
"count": 1,
"header": {
"size": 148698760
"stats": {
"total_size": 148698760,
"total_fee": 6068680
"Mining-Dutch": {
"count": 2,
"header": {
"size": 1072828
"stats": {
"total_size": 1072828,
"total_fee": 789414
"": {
"count": 30,
"header": {
"size": 28091831
"stats": {
"total_size": 28091831,
"total_fee": 21344586
"SVpool": {
"count": 9,
"header": {
"size": 480750592
"stats": {
"total_size": 480750592,
"total_fee": 44484376
"qdlnk": {
"count": 21,
"header": {
"size": 1409145367
"stats": {
"total_size": 1409145367,
"total_fee": 74006627
"": {
"count": 17,
"header": {
"size": 978720432
"stats": {
"total_size": 978720432,
"total_fee": 51728556
URL Parameters
The selected network: main.
The number of days to retrieve the data for. Only 90 or 365 days can be selected.
Get Tag Count by Height
This endpoint retrieves stats on tag count for a specific block at a given height.
Copy GET{height}/stats
Copy curl --location --request GET ""
Copy {
"count": 9128,
"results": [
"name": "certihash",
"count": 5588
"name": "my2cents",
"count": 2320
"name": "run#cryptofights",
"count": 709
"name": "OP_RETURN",
"count": 152
"name": "bitcom#B",
"count": 124
"name": "bitcom#D",
"count": 123
"name": "",
"count": 29
"name": "Badge",
"count": 17
"name": "nonstandard",
"count": 15
"name": "run",
"count": 12
"name": "STAS",
"count": 11
"name": "",
"count": 6
"name": "",
"count": 5
"name": "bitcom",
"count": 4
"name": "bitcom#twetch",
"count": 4
"name": "haste arcade",
"count": 4
"name": "metanet#metaid",
"count": 3
"name": "DotWallet",
"count": 2
URL Parameters
The selected network: main.
Last updated 10 months ago